United States

MCC 4723 - Tour operators

mcc 4723

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 4723 is designated for businesses identified as tour operators. This MCC is primarily used by companies that organize, sell, and arrange travel packages which often include transportation, accommodation, and sometimes guided tours. These businesses focus on providing pre-arranged travel itineraries either directly to consumers or through travel agents.

Category: Transportation Services

Types of Services

  • Travel Packages: Includes arrangements for flights, hotels, and sometimes car rentals or cruises.
  • Guided Tours: Organizes escorted tours and adventures that might include sightseeing and experiences like safaris, culinary tours, etc.
  • Custom Travel Itineraries: Offers bespoke travel planning services tailored to individual traveler's preferences.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 4511: Airlines and Air Carriers: Includes businesses that primarily operate flights – focused just on air transport, without broader tour services.
  • MCC 4722: Travel Agencies: Covers businesses that primarily act as intermediaries booking travel services on behalf of clients, whereas tour operators typically offer their own packages.
  • MCC 7991: Tourist Attractions and Exhibits: Relates to specific attractions or exhibits rather than the broader travel packages offered by tour operators.


  • What is the primary function of a tour operator under MCC 4723?
    - Tour operators design and sell pre-packaged travel solutions that typically include transportation and accommodation.
  • How is a tour operator different from a travel agency?
    - While both organize travel, tour operators often create entire travel packages and itineraries, whereas travel agencies generally book components of travel on behalf of customers.
  • Are tour operators subject to regulatory requirements?
    - Yes, they must comply with various regulations around consumer protection, package travel directives, and sometimes local licensing and insurance requirements.

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