United States

MCC 7311 - Advertising

mcc 7311

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 7311 refers to businesses and services that provide advertising services. The primary purpose of this MCC is to categorize merchants offering advertising solutions, which encompass a wide range of strategies to promote products and services. Businesses under this MCC include advertising agencies, media buying services, and digital marketing firms, all of which help their clients enhance visibility, reach target audiences, and drive growth.

Category: Business Services

Types of Services

  • Traditional Advertising: Agencies that create and place ads in print media, television, and radio.
  • Digital Marketing: Firms specializing in online strategies like search engine marketing, social media campaigns, and online display ads.
  • Media Buying: Companies that specialize in purchasing ad space and time on behalf of clients.
  • Outdoor Advertising: Businesses that offer billboard advertising and transit ads.
  • Public Relations: Agencies involved in managing public perception and relationships for businesses.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 7372: Computer Programming, Data Processing, and Integrated Systems Design Services: Focuses on companies offering software and technology solutions, which may include digital advertising technologies.
  • MCC 8999: Professional Services (Not Elsewhere Classified): Encompasses various professional services that do not neatly fit into standard categories, including certain niche marketing consultancies.
  • MCC 7841: Video Tape Rental Stores (Obsolete): Previously used for video rentals, it may overlap in the sense of promotional materials, although largely outdated.


  • What types of transactions are categorized under MCC 7311?
    - Transactions include payments to advertising agencies for creating and placing ads, as well as digital marketing services.
  • How do businesses benefit from MCC 7311?
    - Using this MCC, businesses in the advertising sector can streamline financial reporting and enhance data analysis for marketing expenditures.
  • Is MCC 7311 applicable for influencer marketing?
    - Yes, if the payment is made through an agency or platform that handles such marketing activities, it could fall under MCC 7311.

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