United States

MCC 8042 - Optics

mcc 8042

Merchant Category Code 8042, known as "Optics," is primarily designated for businesses involved in optometry and optical goods and services. This category includes establishments that provide vision care and related products, catering to consumer needs for eyecare, eyewear, and associated optical services.

Category: Professional services

Types of Services

  • Optometric Services: Includes eye examinations and prescriptions provided by licensed optometrists.
  • Optical Retail: Sales of prescription glasses, contact lenses, and other vision corrective products.
  • Vision Therapy: Specialized treatment programs to improve vision-related skills and processing.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 8043: Hearing Aids - Sales and Supplies: Differentiates from MCC 8042 by focusing on auditory devices rather than visual aids.
  • MCC 8044: Optical Goods and Eyewear: Complements MCC 8042 by covering non-medical retail such as sunglasses and non-prescription eyewear.


  • What qualifies a business to use MCC 8042?
    - Businesses primarily providing vision care services and retailing optical products like eyeglasses and contact lenses qualify.
  • Can online eyewear retailers use MCC 8042?
    - Yes, if they offer prescription services or products. However, they may also use MCC 5964 for direct marketing and online retailers.
  • Is eye surgery covered under MCC 8042?
    - No, eye surgery services are typically categorized under a different health-related MCC.

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