United States

MCC 8699 - Organizations, Membership

mcc 8699

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 8699 is designated for organizations and membership services. This category primarily covers a wide range of establishments that focus on membership-driven activities. These include professional associations, trade unions, civic clubs, and various societies that operate for the purpose of advancing the interests and welfare of their members.

Category: Membership оrganizations

Types of Services

  • Professional and Trade Associations: Organizations that provide networking, certification, and advocacy for professionals within a certain field.
  • Civic and Social Organizations: Clubs and groups aiming to enhance community engagement and social welfare.
  • Fraternal Societies: Groups formed for social and mutual economic benefits, often involving ceremonial activities.
  • Labor Unions: Organizations representing workers’ rights and interests in various industries.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 8651: Political Organizations: Related to political parties and organizations engaging in political activities but differ in their purpose focusing solely on political advocacy.
  • MCC 8661: Religious Organizations: Comprises establishments focusing on religious worship and activities, differing from the membership-focused scope of MCC 8699.


  • What types of transactions are common with MCC 8699?
    - Typical transactions include membership fees, dues, and donations related to organization activities.
  • Can this MCC be used for non-profit organizations?
    - Yes, it can be used for any membership-driven entity, including non-profits, provided they fit the category's purpose.
  • Is an educational institution part of MCC 8699?
    - Generally not, unless the institution operates a membership-based group within the educational sector.

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