
MCC 5521 - Car dealerships

mcc 5521

Merchant Category Code (MCC) 5521 is designated for businesses classified as car dealerships. Primarily, this code is used by businesses engaged in the sale and lease of new and used automobiles, including passenger cars, trucks, and vans. These businesses play a crucial role in the automotive retail industry, providing consumers with a wide range of vehicle options and associated services, such as trade-in deals, financing, and warranties.

Category: Cars and vehicles

Types of Services

  • Vehicle Sales: Includes the sale of new and used cars, trucks, and vans, addressing diverse consumer needs and budgets.
  • Leasing Services: Offers short- and long-term vehicle leasing agreements to consumers and businesses.
  • Financing Options: Facilitates car loans and financing plans to help customers purchase vehicles through installments.
  • Trade-In Services: Allows customers to trade in their old vehicles as part of a purchase agreement.
  • Vehicle Customization: Some dealerships offer options for vehicle customization, such as paint and accessory upgrades.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5511: Car and Truck Dealers (New & Used): Similar to 5521 but is occasionally used more broadly, encompassing all types of vehicle dealers.
  • MCC 5533: Automotive Parts, Accessories Stores: Focuses on stores retailing automotive parts and accessories, not complete vehicles.
  • MCC 5561: Recreational and Utility Trailers, Camp Dealers: Pertains to dealers specializing in the sale of recreational vehicles and trailers.


  • What transactions are typically associated with MCC 5521?
    - Transactions under MCC 5521 typically include vehicle sales, leasing agreements, and trade-ins.
  • Are motorcycle sales included under MCC 5521?
    - No, motorcycle dealers are usually classified under a different MCC, specifically MCC 5571.
  • Does MCC 5521 cover online vehicle sales?
    - Typically, MCC 5521 applies to physical dealership locations; however, if a dealership also provides online sales, this MCC might still be applicable.

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