
MCC 5552 - Charging stations

mcc 5552

MCC 5552 is designated for businesses operating charging stations, primarily for electric vehicles (EVs). These stations are pivotal in the transition towards sustainable transportation, offering the necessary infrastructure to charge electric cars, buses, and other vehicles. This MCC supports companies providing charging solutions across various settings, including municipal facilities, private enterprises, and public charging networks.

Category: Cars and vehicles

Types of Services

  • Public Charging Networks: These are widespread networks that place charging stations in accessible locations like shopping malls, urban centers, and highways to ensure EV users have convenient charging options.
  • Home and Business Installations: Services include installing personal or corporate charging units to facilitate EV charging at homes or workplaces.
  • Fleet Charging Solutions: Targeted services for businesses managing EV fleets, providing specialized charging infrastructure and management software to optimize operations.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5541: Service Stations (with or without Ancillary Services): Covers traditional gasoline and service stations, which may include limited EV charging options.
  • MCC 5542: Automated Fuel Dispensers: Primarily for stations with automated fuel dispensing, could include automated EV charging services.
  • MCC 5533: Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores: While focusing on vehicle parts, some stores now offer charging solutions or accessories.


  • Who can use MCC 5552?
    - Businesses operating public, private, or commercial electric vehicle charging stations.
  • Does this MCC only cover EV charging?
    - Yes, the primary focus is on charging solutions for electric vehicles.
  • Can residential charging installations be included under this MCC?
    - Yes, if the business offers and manages the installation and services related to home charging units for electric vehicles.
  • Is there a regulatory requirement for using MCC 5552?
    - While there are no specific requirements for using the code, businesses must comply with local regulations concerning EV charging stations and infrastructure.

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