
MCC 5691 - Clothes

mcc 5691

Merchant Category Code 5691 is designated for businesses primarily engaged in the retail or wholesale of clothing and related apparel. This MCC encompasses a wide range of establishments where consumers can purchase various clothing items, from everyday wear to specialty garments. It serves to categorize and facilitate the tracking of transactions for businesses operating in the fashion and apparel industry.

Category: Clothing stores

Types of Services

  • Retail Clothing Stores: Standalone or chain fashion retailers offering men's, women's, and children's clothing.
  • Apparel Boutiques: Specialty shops focusing on niche clothing markets like designer wear or culturally specific garments.
  • Department Stores: Sections within larger retail settings dedicated to clothing sales.
  • Online Clothing Retailers: E-commerce platforms that specialize in selling apparel to a broad audience.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5611: Men's and Boys' Clothing Stores: Focused exclusively on men's and boys' clothing, often found in specialty retail scenarios.
  • MCC 5621: Women's Ready-to-Wear Stores: Dedicated to retailers specializing in women's ready-to-wear fashion.
  • MCC 5631: Women's Accessory and Specialty Stores: Covers businesses dealing exclusively in women's fashion accessories, complementing clothing sales in MCC 5691.
  • MCC 5651: Family Clothing Stores: Cater to customers looking to buy apparel for entire families, including a mix of men's, women's, and children's clothing.


  • What types of transactions are coded under MCC 5691?
    - Transactions for the purchase of clothing items from stores or online retailers.
  • Can footwear purchases be categorized under MCC 5691?
    - No, footwear typically falls under a different MCC (5661).
  • Are wholesale apparel operations included in MCC 5691?
    - Yes, MCC 5691 can cover both retail and wholesale transactions involving clothing.
  • Why is it important to categorize sales under the correct MCC?
    - Proper categorization aids in transaction analysis, fraud detection, and fulfilling regulatory compliance.

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