
MCC 8031 - Medicine

mcc 8031

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 8031 is designated for services related to the field of medicine. Its primary purpose is to categorize transactions from businesses and professionals who provide medical and health-related services. This code encompasses a wide range of businesses such as doctors, dentists, therapists, and other health care providers who offer medical consultations, diagnostics, and treatments.

Category: Professional services

Types of Services

  • General Medical Services: Includes services by family physicians, pediatricians, internists, and similar practitioners.
  • Specialized Medical Services: Involves services from specialists like cardiologists, dermatologists, and neurologists.
  • Dental Services: Covers dentists and orthodontists focusing on oral health and corrective procedures.
  • Chiropractic and Physiotherapy: Involves non-invasive treatments and physical therapy for muscle, joint, and nerve issues.
  • Mental Health Services: Includes psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselors offering mental health therapy.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 8011: Doctors and Physicians: Typically used for individual practicing physicians or doctor groups and specialty clinics.
  • MCC 8021: Dentists and Orthodontists: Specifically for businesses providing dental care and orthodontic services.
  • MCC 8041: Chiropractors: Focused on transactions from chiropractic services and treatments.
  • MCC 8049: Chiropodists, Podiatrists: Categorizes those offering foot and ankle care.


  • What businesses use MCC 8031?
    - Primarily medical professionals and health care providers such as clinics, chiropractic offices, and dental practices.
  • Is MCC 8031 applicable to hospitals?
    - Typically no; hospitals usually have their own specific MCCs related to hospital services.
  • Does MCC 8031 cover alternative medicine practices?
    - It may include some, such as licensed therapists; however, alternative practices often fall under other specific MCCs.
  • How do I determine the correct MCC for my medical practice?
    - Consult with your payment processor or financial institution to ensure the correct MCC is assigned to your specific service type.

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