
MCC 8110 - Lawyers

mcc 8110

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 8110 is designated for "Lawyers," identifying transactions conducted by legal professionals and law firms. This MCC is primarily used to categorize payments made to entities that provide legal services, including counseling, representation, and other law-related assistance.

Category: Professional services

Types of Services

  • Legal Representation and Advice: Services include court representation, legal consultation, and advising clients on legal matters across various fields such as criminal, civil, corporate, and family law.
  • Document Preparation and Review: Legal professionals draft, review, and interpret legal documents such as contracts, wills, trusts, and other legal instruments.
  • Mediation and Arbitration: Participation in alternative dispute resolution processes to settle disputes outside of traditional court proceedings.
  • Corporate Law Services: Includes services specific to business law such as mergers and acquisitions, compliance, and intellectual property rights management.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 8931: Professional Services (Not Elsewhere Classified): Includes other professional services that do not fit into specific categories like legal, medical, or advertising services.
  • MCC 8299: Educational Services: Encompasses non-legal educational and training services, which may include courses on legal practices but not direct legal services.
  • MCC 7338: Quick Copy, Reproduction, and Blueprinting Services: Covers services related to document copying and reproduction, distinct from the creation of legal documents.


  • Who typically uses MCC 8110?
    - This MCC is used by businesses and individuals who require legal services, such as representation in court, legal counsel, or document preparation.
  • Can legal consultancy businesses also be classified under this MCC?
    - Yes, organizations providing legal consulting services typically fall under this MCC.
  • Are payments to a legal department within a corporation categorized under MCC 8110?
    - Generally, internal transactions might not be classified with an MCC, but payments to external legal counsel would be classified under this MCC.

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