MCC 9411 - Government Services

Merchant Category Code 9411 is primarily used to identify transactions related to government services. This MCC is applicable to a broad range of transactions associated with federal, state, and local government entities. It covers a wide variety of governmental operations, facilitating efficient classification and processing of payments within the financial systems.
Types of Services
- Utility Payments: Includes payment of water, electricity, and other utility services provided by municipal or state entities.
- Tax Payments: Encompasses payments to federal, state, and local tax authorities, including income, property, and sales taxes.
- Licensing and Fees: Covers payments for licenses, permits, and registration fees required for various activities and professions.
- Fines and Penalties: Payments of fines such as traffic tickets or other penalties imposed by government bodies.
Related MCCs
- MCC 8211: Elementary and Secondary Schools: This code applies to transactions involving educational fees and payments to primary and high schools, distinguishing the educational sector from general government services.
- MCC 9222: Fines: Specifically focuses on fines such as court fines, distinct from general government service payments.
- MCC 9399: Government Services Not Elsewhere Classified: Captures government-related payments not covered under specific MCCs like 9411.
- What types of payments fall under MCC 9411?
- Payments for government services, including utilities, taxes, licenses, and fines, are categorized under MCC 9411. - Can I use MCC 9411 for educational payments to public schools?
- No, transactions for educational services typically fall under MCC 8211 for elementary and secondary schools, or related codes for higher education. - Is MCC 9411 used for all government transactions?
- While it broadly covers government services, specialized transactions (e.g., fines) might fall under more specific MCCs like 9222.
MCC Categories
Agricultural Services Airlines Business Services Car rent Cars and vehicles Clothing stores Contract services Entertainment services Government Services Hotels / Resorts Mail / Telephone Sales Membership оrganizations Miscellaneous Stores Not categorized Personal services Professional services Repair services Retail Outlet Services Service provider Transportation Services Utility Services Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers