
MCC 1731 - Electrical Contractors

mcc 1731

Merchant Category Code 1731 is designated for Electrical Contractors. This MCC is primarily used by businesses that are engaged in the installation, maintenance, and repair of electrical systems. These businesses provide their services in various sectors, including residential, commercial, and industrial settings, to ensure proper functionality and safety in electrical installations.

Category: Contract services

Types of Services

  • Residential Services: Including wiring of new homes, upgrades of existing systems, and repairs.
  • Commercial Services: Encompassing electrical work in office buildings, retail spaces, and other commercial facilities.
  • Industrial Services: Involving complex electrical system installations and maintenance in factories or large industrial plants.
  • Specialized Services: Such as installing energy-efficient lighting solutions, backup power systems, and smart home technology.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 1520: General Contractors-Residential and Commercial: Companies involved in the overall contract work for building projects, including some electrical work.
  • MCC 1799: Special Trade Contractors: Businesses specializing in individual construction trades other than electrical work, such as roofing or plumbing.


  • What types of businesses typically use MCC 1731?
    - This MCC is commonly used by electrical contractors or electricians providing services in residential, commercial, and industrial settings.
  • Do businesses categorized under MCC 1731 only work on new constructions?
    - No, these businesses also handle maintenance and repair for existing electrical systems.
  • Can an electrical contractor be classified under a different MCC?
    - Yes, if they offer a broader range of services, they might fall under MCCs like 1520 (General Contractors), depending on the scope of their work.

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