MCC 4468 - Yachting service

Merchant Category Code 4468 is designated for businesses primarily involved in yachting services. This MCC is aimed at covering a diverse range of services related to yachts, from maintenance and repairs to chartering and docking. Companies that fall under this category cater to the unique needs of yacht owners and enthusiasts, offering specialized services to ensure optimal yacht performance and enjoyment.
Types of Services
- Yacht Maintenance and Repairs: Businesses providing routine upkeep, mechanical repairs, and aesthetic enhancements for yachts.
- Charter Services: Companies offering yacht renting and leasing services for leisure or business purposes.
- Docking and Storage: Facilities providing docking, mooring, and berthing arrangements at marinas or yacht clubs.
- Yacht Brokerage: Firms engaged in buying, selling, and trading yachts.
Related MCCs
- MCC 4457: Boat Rentals and Leases: Covers businesses specifically focused on general boat rentals and leases, which may include smaller recreational boats.
- What is MCC 4468 used for?
- MCC 4468 is used for categorizing transactions related to yachting services, including maintenance, repair, charter, and brokerage. - Can a regular boat rental company use MCC 4468?
- Generally, no. Boat rental companies typically fall under MCC 4457, unless they specialize in yacht rentals. - What is the benefit of using the correct MCC?
- Using the appropriate MCC ensures accurate transaction processing, applicable fee structures, and potential eligibility for industry-specific benefits or classifications.
MCC Categories
Agricultural Services Airlines Business Services Car rent Cars and vehicles Clothing stores Contract services Entertainment services Government Services Hotels / Resorts Mail / Telephone Sales Membership оrganizations Miscellaneous Stores Not categorized Personal services Professional services Repair services Retail Outlet Services Service provider Transportation Services Utility Services Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers