
MCC 4789 - Railway

mcc 4789

Merchant Category Code (MCC) 4789 is designated for businesses primarily involved in railway services. This code encompasses a variety of enterprises related to the operation and management of rail transport systems. These services are integral to regions with established railway infrastructure, serving the needs of passengers and freight companies alike. Businesses classified under this MCC ensure the smooth functioning of rail networks for urban, interurban, and freight transport.

Category: Transportation Services

Types of Services

  • Passenger Rail Services: Includes local, regional, and high-speed rail operators providing transportation for commuters and travelers.
  • Freight Rail Operations: Companies that specialize in the transportation of goods and raw materials via rail networks.
  • Rail Infrastructure Maintenance: Services related to the upkeep and repair of railway tracks, stations, and related facilities.
  • Railway Management and Operations: Organizations involved in the administration and logistical support of rail transport services.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 4111: Local/Suburban Commuter Passenger Transportation: Primarily for local and suburban transit systems such as buses and metro lines, differing from long-distance rail services.
  • MCC 4214: Motor Freight Carriers and Trucking Services: Focuses on road-based freight transportation services as opposed to rail.
  • MCC 7523: Automobile Parking Lots and Garages: Although involved in transportation, deals with vehicle storage and parking services rather than rail systems.


  • What types of transactions are typically associated with MCC 4789?
    - Transactions might include ticket purchases for passenger travel, freight service fees, and infrastructure maintenance billing.
  • Is MCC 4789 used internationally?
    - Yes, MCC 4789 is utilized globally but the type of services and businesses may vary depending on regional rail infrastructure.
  • How does MCC 4789 relate to urban transit systems?
    - While both involve transit, MCC 4789 is specific to railways, including longer-distance and freight services, unlike urban commuter codes.

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