
MCC 4815 - Telephone services

mcc 4815

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 4815 is designated for "Telephone Services." This MCC is primarily used to categorize businesses that provide telecommunication services, focusing on traditional landline telephone services, mobile phone services, and related telecommunications support. Companies under this code are integral to maintaining communication networks for both individual consumers and businesses.

Category: Utility Services

Types of Services

  • Landline Telephone Services: Includes traditional wired telecommunications services provided to residential and business customers.
  • Mobile Phone Services: Consists of services provided by cellular companies, including voice, text, and data plans.
  • Telecommunications Support Services: Covers support activities such as customer service for telecom services, billing, and payment processing for telephone services.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 4821: Telegraph Services: Includes businesses that provide telegraph and telex services, primarily for international communications, differing from the more prevalent telephone services.
  • MCC 4814: Telecommunication Service, including Local and Long Distance Calls, Credit Card Calls, Calls through the Use of Magnetic-Stripe Reader Telephones, and Fax Services: Encompasses broader telecommunication services, including long distance and other specialty services beyond basic telephone services.


  • What types of transactions can be expected under MCC 4815?
    - Transactions typically cover payments for monthly service plans, purchase of prepaid phone credit, and billing for telephone services.
  • Is MCC 4815 applicable for internet services?
    - While generally focused on telephone services, certain bundling packages offered by telecoms that include internet may fall under this MCC depending on how the provider structures its billing.
  • Who assigns MCC codes such as 4815?
    - MCC codes are assigned by payment card networks such as Visa and MasterCard to categorize businesses by the type of goods or services provided.

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