MCC 5051 - Metal processing

MCC 5051 is designated for businesses involved in metal processing. This category includes companies that specialize in the transformation of metals into intermediate or final products. Services typically include various forms of metal fabrication, cutting, and shaping. Companies under this code are integral to multiple sectors, supplying essential materials for construction, automotive, aerospace, and more.
Types of Services
- Metal Fabrication: This includes processes such as cutting, bending, and assembling metal components.
- Metal Coating and Painting: Services that involve applying protective or decorative coatings to metal surfaces.
- Sheet Metal Work: Specialized handling and processing of sheet metal for industries like automotive and construction.
- Metal Casting: Creating metal parts by pouring molten metal into molds.
Related MCCs
- MCC 5065: Electrical Parts and Equipment: Focuses on businesses dealing with electrical rather than metal components.
- MCC 5085: Industrial Supplies: Covers businesses selling various industrial goods beyond metals, including tools and machinery.
- MCC 5039: Construction Material, Not Elsewhere Classified: Includes a broader range of construction materials, not limited to metal products.
- What types of transactions are typically categorized under MCC 5051?
- Transactions for purchasing materials, tools, and services related to metal processing. - Is metal recycling included under MCC 5051?
- No, metal recycling has different processes and services and might fall under a different MCC. - Can a company have multiple MCCs if it provides diverse services?
- Yes, businesses engaging in a variety of services might have transactions classified under different MCCs if those services warrant separate categorization.
MCC Categories
Agricultural Services Airlines Business Services Car rent Cars and vehicles Clothing stores Contract services Entertainment services Government Services Hotels / Resorts Mail / Telephone Sales Membership оrganizations Miscellaneous Stores Not categorized Personal services Professional services Repair services Retail Outlet Services Service provider Transportation Services Utility Services Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers