
MCC 5415 - Miscellaneous

mcc 5415

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 5415, labeled as "Miscellaneous," serves primarily to categorize a broad range of business activities that do not fit neatly into other, more specific MCCs. This category helps financial institutions, such as banks and payment processors, accurately manage transactions associated with unique or diverse business operations that are otherwise non-classifiable.

Category: Not categorized

Types of Services

  • Specialty Retail Services: Includes businesses selling niche products that fall outside standard retail categories.
  • Unique Repair Services: Provides for special repair services that are not covered under other MCCs, such as antique restoration.
  • Customized Offerings: Covers personalized and handcrafted goods that reflect unique craftsmanship.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5999: Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores: Focuses specifically on retail operations offering specialized products and services.
  • MCC 7299: Miscellaneous Personal Services: Pertains to personal services not classified elsewhere, such as meditation trainers or personal coaching services.
  • MCC 7399: Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified: Encompasses unique business services that offer specialized support and consulting features.


  • What qualifies a business to be assigned MCC 5415?
    - Businesses that provide goods or services not covered by more specific MCC codes may be assigned MCC 5415.
  • How can a business ensure their transactions fall under MCC 5415?
    - Businesses should verify with their acquiring bank to confirm their services are identifiable under MCC 5415.
  • Is it possible to change an assigned MCC code?
    - Yes, businesses can consult with their payment processors to review and potentially reassign their MCC if their services have evolved or were miscategorized.

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