MCC 6399 - Insurance
Merchant Category Code (MCC) 6399 is designated for businesses involved in the insurance industry. This code is primarily used for categorizing financial transactions related to various types of insurance products and services. Companies under this MCC typically offer insurance products, including life, health, automobile, property, and casualty insurance, serving both individual and corporate clients.
Types of Services
- Life Insurance: Provides financial protection to beneficiaries in the event of the policyholder's death.
- Health Insurance: Covers medical expenses for individuals or groups, ensuring access to healthcare services.
- Property and Casualty Insurance: Includes auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and liability insurance, covering losses related to property damage or personal liability.
- Commercial Insurance: Offers business-specific insurance solutions such as commercial property, business interruption, and worker’s compensation insurance.
Related MCCs
- MCC 6300: Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums: Closely related to MCC 6399 but more explicitly describes transactions directly related to insurance policy sales, underwriting, and premium payments.
- MCC 8043: Optometrists, Ophthalmologists: While not directly insurance related, this MCC can see transactions from health insurance claims for optometry services.
- MCC 8099: Health Practitioners, Medical Services: This code is used for non-physician health-related services that may interact with health insurance payouts.
- What types of transactions are processed under MCC 6399?
- Transactions typically include policy payments, insurance premium collections, and payouts. - Are brokers included in MCC 6399?
- Yes, insurance brokers and agents facilitating the sale of insurance products can fall under this category. - How does MCC 6399 differ from related transportation insurance MCCs?
- MCC 6399 covers a broad range of insurance products, whereas specific transportation MCCs focus on transportation-related insurance services.
MCC Categories
Agricultural Services Airlines Business Services Car rent Cars and vehicles Clothing stores Contract services Entertainment services Government Services Hotels / Resorts Mail / Telephone Sales Membership оrganizations Miscellaneous Stores Not categorized Personal services Professional services Repair services Retail Outlet Services Service provider Transportation Services Utility Services Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers