
MCC 7829 - Video rental

mcc 7829

Merchant Category Code (MCC) 7829 is designated for businesses primarily engaged in offering video rental services. This category encompasses establishments providing video content for short-term rental, allowing customers to enjoy films and other video media without purchasing the content outright. Historically, this included physical video rental stores offering DVDs, Blu-rays, and previously, VHS tapes. In the modern context, this MCC may cover online platforms offering streaming rentals.

Category: Entertainment services

Types of Services

  • Physical Media Rentals: Traditional brick-and-mortar video rental stores where customers can rent DVDs, Blu-rays, or older formats like VHS tapes for a specified period.
  • Streaming Rentals: Digital platforms that allow consumers to rent movies or TV shows to stream online for a limited time, expanding the category beyond physical storefronts.
  • Kiosk Rentals: Automated stations (e.g., Redbox) located in public spaces that dispense rental DVDs or Blu-rays.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 7832: Motion Picture Theaters: Unlike video rentals, this code is for businesses exhibiting films in theaters seated in cinemas.
  • MCC 7841: Video Tape Rental Stores: A more specific code for establishments solely dedicated to renting video tapes, now largely overtaken by modern formats.
  • MCC 5735: Record and Disc Stores: This code includes stores selling physical media, such as records and DVDs, and occasionally may overlap with rental if they offer limited rental services.


  • Do online streaming services use MCC 7829?
    - Yes, certain online platforms offering temporary video rentals use this MCC, though regulatory identification may vary by business model and jurisdiction.
  • Is MCC 7829 still commonly used today?
    - While the traditional model of physical video rental stores has declined, this MCC remains relevant for kiosks and online rental services.
  • Are late fees considered part of the rental service?
    - Yes, late fees incurred by retaining rented media past the assigned return date are typically considered part of the rental service under this MCC.

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