MCC 7829 - Video rental

Merchant Category Code (MCC) 7829 is designated for businesses primarily engaged in offering video rental services. This category encompasses establishments providing video content for short-term rental, allowing customers to enjoy films and other video media without purchasing the content outright. Historically, this included physical video rental stores offering DVDs, Blu-rays, and previously, VHS tapes. In the modern context, this MCC may cover online platforms offering streaming rentals.
Types of Services
- Physical Media Rentals: Traditional brick-and-mortar video rental stores where customers can rent DVDs, Blu-rays, or older formats like VHS tapes for a specified period.
- Streaming Rentals: Digital platforms that allow consumers to rent movies or TV shows to stream online for a limited time, expanding the category beyond physical storefronts.
- Kiosk Rentals: Automated stations (e.g., Redbox) located in public spaces that dispense rental DVDs or Blu-rays.
Related MCCs
- MCC 7832: Motion Picture Theaters: Unlike video rentals, this code is for businesses exhibiting films in theaters seated in cinemas.
- MCC 7841: Video Tape Rental Stores: A more specific code for establishments solely dedicated to renting video tapes, now largely overtaken by modern formats.
- MCC 5735: Record and Disc Stores: This code includes stores selling physical media, such as records and DVDs, and occasionally may overlap with rental if they offer limited rental services.
- Do online streaming services use MCC 7829?
- Yes, certain online platforms offering temporary video rentals use this MCC, though regulatory identification may vary by business model and jurisdiction. - Is MCC 7829 still commonly used today?
- While the traditional model of physical video rental stores has declined, this MCC remains relevant for kiosks and online rental services. - Are late fees considered part of the rental service?
- Yes, late fees incurred by retaining rented media past the assigned return date are typically considered part of the rental service under this MCC.
MCC Categories
Agricultural Services Airlines Business Services Car rent Cars and vehicles Clothing stores Contract services Entertainment services Government Services Hotels / Resorts Mail / Telephone Sales Membership оrganizations Miscellaneous Stores Not categorized Personal services Professional services Repair services Retail Outlet Services Service provider Transportation Services Utility Services Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers