
MCC 9223 - Payouts. Bonds

mcc 9223

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 9223 is designated for “Payouts. Bonds,” primarily associated with transactions involving regulatory or government-issued bonds and similar payout instruments. This MCC is utilized by businesses and institutions that manage or distribute these financial products, offering a streamlined way to categorize transactions related to bond disbursements and related financial activities.

Category: Government Services

Types of Services

  • Government Entities and Municipalities: Often use this MCC for transactions relating to municipal bonds and other government bond payouts.
  • Financial Institutions: Banks and financial organizations that issue or manage bond payouts fall under this category.
  • Bond Agencies: Companies specifically engaged in the issuance, management, or payout of various types of bonds.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 9311: Tax Payments: Covers transactions related to tax payments, differing as it's more about collection rather than payout.
  • MCC 9399: Government Services—Default: Used for a variety of government services which don’t fit in more specialized categories, including certain non-bond-related payouts.


  • What is the primary function of MCC 9223?
    - It is used to categorize transactions related to the payout and management of bonds, primarily by government entities and financial institutions.
  • Who typically uses this MCC?
    - Government entities, financial institutions, and agencies involved in bond issuance and payout usually use this MCC.
  • How does MCC 9223 differ from MCCs related to regular financial services?
    - MCC 9223 specifically pertains to the payout and management of bonds, whereas other financial services MCCs might cover broader banking or financial services.

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