MCC 4011 - Railway

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 4011 is designated for businesses involved primarily in rail transportation services. This MCC is assigned to enterprises that operate railway systems for freight or passenger transport. It encompasses companies that provide services such as intercity, commuter, and freight train operations, playing a crucial role in both logistics and public transportation.
Types of Services
- Passenger Rail Services: Includes companies offering intercity and regional passenger train services, providing an essential mode of transportation for long-distance and commuter travel.
- Freight Rail Services: Covers businesses involved in transporting goods and raw materials across regions via rail networks, serving manufacturers, retailers, and logistics companies.
- Railway Infrastructure Management: Encompasses operations that focus on the maintenance and management of railway tracks and related infrastructure.
Related MCCs
- MCC 4111: Local/Suburban Commuter Passenger Transportation, Including Ferries: Focuses on local public transportation, such as buses and ferries, differing from MCC 4011 by emphasizing local rather than intercity or freight transport.
- MCC 4214: Motor Freight Carriers and Trucking - Local and Long Distance, Moving and Storage Companies, and Local Delivery: Pertains to road freight services, providing ground transportation solutions complementing railway freight services.
- What kinds of transactions are categorized under MCC 4011?
- Transactions involving the sale of passenger tickets, freight shipping services, and rail infrastructure maintenance fall under this category. - Why is MCC 4011 important for businesses?
- It helps payment processors and financial institutions accurately categorize and manage the transactions of railway service providers, ensuring regulated transaction processing. - Can railway infrastructure construction companies be classified under MCC 4011?
- Typically, these are not categorized as MCC 4011 unless they are directly engaged in operating rail transport services. They might belong to a different construction-related MCC.
MCC Categories
Agricultural Services Airlines Business Services Car rent Cars and vehicles Clothing stores Contract services Entertainment services Government Services Hotels / Resorts Mail / Telephone Sales Membership оrganizations Miscellaneous Stores Not categorized Personal services Professional services Repair services Retail Outlet Services Service provider Transportation Services Utility Services Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers