MCC 5065 - Electronics

Merchant Category Code (MCC) 5065 is designated for businesses primarily engaged in the wholesale and distribution of electronic components, equipment, and supplies. The primary purpose of this MCC is to facilitate the identification and processing of transactions specifically related to the electronics wholesale industry. Companies categorized under this MCC typically deal with businesses rather than direct-to-consumer sales and are crucial players in the supply chain for electronic goods and technologies.
Types of Services
- Electronic Components Distribution: Involves wholesale distribution of semiconductors, capacitors, resistors, and other electronic components to manufacturers and assembly plants.
- Equipment Supply: Wholesale supply of equipment such as circuit boards, processors, and other essential gear for electronics manufacturing and R&D.
- Supply Chain Management: Services include inventory management and logistics for large-scale electronics operations.
Related MCCs
- MCC 5045: Computers, Peripherals, and Software: Focuses on the wholesale of computer hardware and software products.
- MCC 4812: Telecommunications Equipment: Covers businesses in the wholesale telecommunication equipment industry.
- MCC 5732: Electronics Stores: Differentiated by being retail outlets providing electronics directly to consumers.
- What types of businesses typically fall under MCC 5065?
- Businesses involved in the wholesale distribution of electronic components and supplies, such as distribution centers and trading companies. - How does MCC 5065 differ from MCC 5732 for Electronics Stores?
- MCC 5065 is for businesses dealing with other businesses (B2B) in terms of electronic supplies and components, whereas MCC 5732 is for direct retail sales to consumers (B2C). - Can a retail electronics store use MCC 5065?
- No, MCC 5065 is specifically for wholesale businesses, not retail.
MCC Categories
Agricultural Services Airlines Business Services Car rent Cars and vehicles Clothing stores Contract services Entertainment services Government Services Hotels / Resorts Mail / Telephone Sales Membership оrganizations Miscellaneous Stores Not categorized Personal services Professional services Repair services Retail Outlet Services Service provider Transportation Services Utility Services Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers