
MCC 5734 - Computer Software

mcc 5734

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 5734, titled "Computer Software," is primarily designated for transactions involving the sale of software products. This MCC is crucial for businesses that develop, license, and distribute software products, including customized solutions, packaged software, and software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings. It is particularly relevant for technology companies, software publishers, and organizations that focus on digital tools and applications.

Category: Miscellaneous Stores

Types of Services

  • Software Development Companies: Enterprises that create custom or off-the-shelf software for various applications, whether for desktop, mobile, or cloud environments.
  • SaaS Providers: Businesses offering subscription-based software services that can be accessed over the internet, usually operating on a cloud platform.
  • Software Retailers: Stores or online platforms that sell boxed or downloadable software products directly to consumers or businesses.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5732: Electronics Stores: Encompasses retail outlets selling consumer electronics, where software might be a subsidiary product.
  • MCC 5045: Computers, Peripherals, and Software: Includes vendors selling a broader range of items including hardware, unlike MCC 5734 which is software-specific.
  • MCC 5818: Digital Goods - Software Applications: Focuses on digital transactions involving downloadable software applications.


  • What types of businesses should use MCC 5734?
    - Businesses that primarily engage in the sale of software products, whether custom developed, packaged, or delivered via SaaS, should utilize this MCC.
  • How does MCC 5734 affect my business reporting?
    - Using the correct MCC can facilitate accurate categorization for credit card processors, improving transaction reporting and potentially affecting service fees.
  • Is software purchased for personal use also coded under MCC 5734?
    - Yes, whether the transaction is B2C (business to consumer) or B2B (business to business), software sales fall under this MCC when the sale is for a software product.

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