
MCC 8641 - Public organizations

mcc 8641

Merchant Category Code 8641 is designated for public organizations. This MCC is primarily used to categorize non-profit entities that engage in activities for the public good. Businesses under this code are typically involved in a range of services that focus on community support, advocacy, and charitable work.

Category: Membership оrganizations

Types of Services

  • Advocacy and Community Support: Organizations that advocate for community development, public education, and social improvements.
  • Cultural and Civic Engagement: Entities involved in promoting arts, culture, and community engagement activities.
  • Charitable Work: This includes organizations dedicated to providing aid and support to those in need, including food banks, homeless shelters, and other charitable institutions.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 8398: Charitable and Social Service Organizations: This MCC encompasses organizations specifically offering social services and aid, differing from MCC 8641 which can include broader public interest activities.
  • MCC 8651: Political Organizations: While 8641 covers a wide range of public-focused organizations, 8651 is specific to entities that engage in political activities.
  • MCC 8661: Religious Organizations: This MCC is for organizations focused on religious activities, separate from the broader public service and charitable focus of 8641.


  • What types of organizations fall under MCC 8641?
    - MCC 8641 includes non-profit entities, civic organizations, and other public service providers.
  • Can for-profit businesses be classified under MCC 8641?
    - No, MCC 8641 is generally reserved for non-profit and public service organizations.
  • How do I know if my business should use MCC 8641?
    - If your organization focuses on community service, non-profit advocacy, or public interest activities, it may qualify for MCC 8641.

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