MCC 8641 - Public organizations

Merchant Category Code 8641 is designated for public organizations. This MCC is primarily used to categorize non-profit entities that engage in activities for the public good. Businesses under this code are typically involved in a range of services that focus on community support, advocacy, and charitable work.
Types of Services
- Advocacy and Community Support: Organizations that advocate for community development, public education, and social improvements.
- Cultural and Civic Engagement: Entities involved in promoting arts, culture, and community engagement activities.
- Charitable Work: This includes organizations dedicated to providing aid and support to those in need, including food banks, homeless shelters, and other charitable institutions.
Related MCCs
- MCC 8398: Charitable and Social Service Organizations: This MCC encompasses organizations specifically offering social services and aid, differing from MCC 8641 which can include broader public interest activities.
- MCC 8651: Political Organizations: While 8641 covers a wide range of public-focused organizations, 8651 is specific to entities that engage in political activities.
- MCC 8661: Religious Organizations: This MCC is for organizations focused on religious activities, separate from the broader public service and charitable focus of 8641.
- What types of organizations fall under MCC 8641?
- MCC 8641 includes non-profit entities, civic organizations, and other public service providers. - Can for-profit businesses be classified under MCC 8641?
- No, MCC 8641 is generally reserved for non-profit and public service organizations. - How do I know if my business should use MCC 8641?
- If your organization focuses on community service, non-profit advocacy, or public interest activities, it may qualify for MCC 8641.
MCC Categories
Agricultural Services Airlines Business Services Car rent Cars and vehicles Clothing stores Contract services Entertainment services Government Services Hotels / Resorts Mail / Telephone Sales Membership оrganizations Miscellaneous Stores Not categorized Personal services Professional services Repair services Retail Outlet Services Service provider Transportation Services Utility Services Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers