New Zealand

MCC 8661 - Organizations, Religious

mcc 8661

The Merchant Category Code 8661 is designated for Organizations, Religious. This MCC primarily encompasses entities that are formed for the purpose of worship, religious education, and promoting community and spiritual activities. These organizations typically include a wide range of churches, temples, mosques, synagogues, and other institutions affiliated with religious practices and doctrines.

Category: Membership оrganizations

Types of Services

  • Worship Services: Regularly scheduled services and ceremonies for congregational worship.
  • Religious Education: Classes and programs that offer teachings aligned with specific religious beliefs, such as Sunday schools or Bible study groups.
  • Community Outreach: Activities aimed at serving the community, including charity work, food drives, and support groups.
  • Special Ceremonies: Conducting weddings, baptisms, funerals, and other significant life events according to religious traditions.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 8398: Charitable and Social Service Organizations: Focuses on non-religious, charitable groups, and social service entities dedicated to human or animal welfare.
  • MCC 8641: Civic, Social, and Fraternal Associations: Includes non-profit organizations centered around social, civic, or fraternal activities.
  • MCC 8651: Political Organizations: Reserved for entities involved in political activities, distinct from religious orientations.


  • What types of payments are typically processed under MCC 8661?
    - Payments processed under this MCC often include donations, tithes, event registration fees, or membership dues.
  • Are all religious activities covered under this MCC?
    - Generally, yes. However, it's crucial to ensure the activity remains closely aligned with religious purposes to fall under this specific MCC.
  • How can an organization get classified under MCC 8661?
    - Organizations typically need to provide evidence of their religious nature, such as articles of incorporation, mission statements, or registration as a non-profit religious entity, to be classified under this MCC by payment processors.
  • Can charitable organizations also be classified as MCC 8661?
    - Only if the primary purpose of the charitable organization is religious in nature. Otherwise, they may be categorized under other codes like MCC 8398 for general charities.

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