MCC 5499 - Food stores

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 5499, known as "Food Stores," is designated for businesses primarily engaged in the retail sale of food products. This MCC encompasses a wide range of establishments that sell consumable grocery items, catering to customers seeking edible goods for personal or household use. Businesses under this category include specialty food stores, convenience stores, and larger retail outlets that do not fit other specified food-related categories.
Types of Services
- Grocery Retail: Businesses selling a diverse range of food items, including packaged groceries, fresh produce, meat, and dairy products.
- Specialty Food Retail: Stores focusing on specific types of food products such as organic items, ethnic foods, or health and wellness products.
- Convenience Shopping: Establishments providing quick access to essential food products and snacks for immediate consumption.
Related MCCs
- MCC 5411: Grocery Stores and Supermarkets: Specifically covers larger stores that primarily provide a range of grocery items, including fresh produce and meats.
- MCC 5422: Freezer and Locker Meat Provisioners: Focuses on stores dealing with the sale of frozen meats and locker services.
- MCC 5451: Dairy Products Stores: Dedicated to businesses primarily selling milk, cheese, and other dairy goods.
- What businesses typically use MCC 5499?
- Businesses such as specialty food retailers, convenience stores, and smaller local markets frequently use this code. - How does MCC 5499 differ from MCC 5411?
- MCC 5499 includes specialty food and convenience stores, whereas MCC 5411 is for larger grocery stores and supermarkets with extensive product ranges. - Can a business have more than one MCC?
- Yes, if a business offers a variety of services or products, it might be associated with multiple MCCs based on different types of transactions.
MCC Categories
Agricultural Services Airlines Business Services Car rent Cars and vehicles Clothing stores Contract services Entertainment services Government Services Hotels / Resorts Mail / Telephone Sales Membership оrganizations Miscellaneous Stores Not categorized Personal services Professional services Repair services Retail Outlet Services Service provider Transportation Services Utility Services Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers