
MCC 5541 - Service Stations

mcc 5541

MCC 5541, known as "Service Stations," is primarily associated with businesses that provide fuel for automobiles. These establishments are recognized for offering automotive services, typically involving the sale of gasoline, diesel, or related products. Service stations play a vital role in the transportation infrastructure, catering to motorists' needs for vehicle refueling and basic maintenance.

Category: Cars and vehicles

Types of Services

  • Fuel Sales: The core service of these establishments is the retail sale of fuels, including gasoline, diesel, and, in some cases, alternative fuels such as natural gas or electric vehicle charging.
  • Automotive Supplies: Many service stations also offer automotive supplies and accessories, such as oil, windshield wiper fluid, and car care products.
  • Limited Vehicle Maintenance: Some service stations provide basic vehicle maintenance services, like oil changes, tire pressure checks, and windshield wiper replacements.
  • Convenience Retail: Often, service stations include a convenience store where customers can purchase snacks, beverages, and other quick items.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5542: Automated Fuel Dispensers: This MCC is specific to fuel purchases made at automated or self-service gas stations.
  • MCC 5533: Automotive Parts, Accessories Stores: Different from service stations, this code applies to stores specializing in selling parts and accessories for vehicles rather than fuel.
  • MCC 5511: Auto and Truck Dealers (New & Used) Sales, Services, Repairs Parts, and Leasing: Focuses on businesses that sell, lease, and repair vehicles, including new and used cars, rather than strictly providing fuel.


  • What differentiates MCC 5541 from MCC 5542?
    - MCC 5541 encompasses full-service stations with attendants, whereas MCC 5542 is for self-service or automated fuel dispensers.
  • Can service stations under MCC 5541 sell other products besides fuel?
    - Yes, many service stations also sell automotive supplies, provide basic vehicle maintenance, and have convenience stores.
  • Are electric vehicle charging stations considered under MCC 5541?
    - While traditionally focused on gasoline and diesel, some service stations now offer electric vehicle charging, though this can also fall under other more specific merchant codes.

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