
MCC 5571 - Car dealerships

mcc 5571

MCC 5571 is designated for a category of businesses primarily focused on the sale of automobiles. This Merchant Category Code is specifically used for transactions that occur at car dealerships, which may include both new and used car dealers. The primary purpose of this MCC is to categorize transactions related to the purchase and financing of vehicles, as well as associated services offered by these businesses.

Category: Cars and vehicles

Types of Services

  • Vehicle Sales: Encompasses transactions related to both new and pre-owned vehicles, including cars, trucks, and SUVs.
  • Financing Services: Involves arranging loans or lease agreements for the purchase of vehicles.
  • Trade-In Services: Facilitates the exchange of customers’ current vehicles as part of the transaction for a new or used vehicle.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5511: Auto and Home Supply Stores: This code pertains to establishments that sell parts and accessories for automobiles rather than complete vehicles.
  • MCC 5521: Automobile Dealers - Used Only: Focuses specifically on businesses that deal solely in the sale of used cars.


  • What is MCC 5571 used for?
    - It is used to categorize transactions made at car dealerships, including the sale of new and used vehicles.
  • How does MCC 5571 benefit a business?
    - It helps financial institutions and businesses categorize transactions accurately for accounting and analytical purposes, enhancing the understanding of spending patterns and customer behavior.
  • Is MCC 5571 only for new car dealers?
    - No, it applies to both new and used car dealerships.

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