
MCC 5818 - Digital Goods

mcc 5818

Merchant Category Code 5818 is designated for businesses dealing in digital goods. This category primarily includes entities that sell products or services delivered electronically without physical form. With the rise of the internet and digital technology, many businesses fit under this MCC, such as those providing digital media (music, movies, e-books), software downloads, and streaming services. These businesses cater to the growing demand for instant access to content and software.

Category: Miscellaneous Stores

Types of Services

  • Media Streaming: This includes services such as video-on-demand platforms and music streaming services.
  • E-book and Audiobook Sales: Platforms providing digital books and audiobooks for download or streaming.
  • Software and Application Downloads: Businesses providing digital distribution of software, including mobile applications and computer software.
  • Gaming Platforms: Online environments that sell digital games or provide in-game purchases.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5815: Digital, Computer Software Stores: Used for businesses selling packaged and physical copies of software which contrasts the digital delivery under MCC 5818.
  • MCC 5734: Computer Software Stores: Also encompasses physical retail of computer software but focuses more on tangible products.
  • MCC 5968: Direct Marketing—Continuity/Subscription Merchants: This includes subscription services, which may overlap with digital goods subscriptions but also include a broader range of non-digital products.


  • What qualifies as a digital good?
    - A digital good is any product or service delivered electronically rather than physically, such as downloaded software, streaming media, and e-books.
  • How does MCC 5818 differ from physical goods categories?
    - MCC 5818 specifically targets products with no physical presence, focusing on electronic delivery and consumption.
  • Are subscriptions considered digital goods?
    - Yes, if the subscription service offers digital content or software as part of its package, it can fall under MCC 5818.

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