
MCC 5970 - Art goods

mcc 5970

Merchant Category Code 5970, known as "Art goods," is designated for businesses involved in the creation, distribution, and retail of art-related products and services. This includes a wide array of items ranging from paintings, sculptures, and crafts to art supplies and equipment. The primary purpose of this MCC is to categorize activities related to the artistic and cultural sector, providing merchants and payment processors with a clear understanding of the transaction type.

Category: Miscellaneous Stores

Types of Services

  • Art Galleries and Dealers: Retail and exhibition spaces that sell fine art pieces including paintings and sculptures.
  • Craft Stores: Businesses selling handmade goods and crafting supplies often cater to hobbyists and professional artisans.
  • Art Supplies Retailers: Outlets providing materials for creating art, such as paints, brushes, canvases, and other tools.
  • Artists and Artisan Services: Individuals or groups offering custom or commissioned artworks or participating in art fairs.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5971: Art Dealers and Galleries: Specifically pertains to businesses engaged primarily in the direct sale of art under a consignment model or gallery representation.
  • MCC 5977: Cosmetic Stores: While unrelated to art in the traditional sense, these stores cater to aesthetics, distinguishing between retail consumables and artistic creation.
  • MCC 5094: Precious Stones, Metals: Involves the trade of jewelry or metals, which may sometimes overlap with art pieces that incorporate valuable materials.


  • What qualifies a business for this MCC?
    - Businesses that predominantly sell art, crafts, and related supplies typically qualify under this category.
  • How does an MCC impact a business?
    - The MCC affects transaction processing, categorization in customer statements, and sometimes the applicable interchange fees.
  • Can a single business have multiple MCCs?
    - Yes, if they offer a variety of products or services that span different categories, they may need to use more than one MCC.

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