
MCC 6028 - Banks

Merchant Category Code (MCC) 6028 is designated for "Banks," covering a wide range of banking institutions involved in providing financial services. These include traditional brick-and-mortar banks, online-only banks, and other financial service providers that offer banking-related products. The primary purpose of this MCC is to categorize transactions and businesses related to banking operations, ensuring smooth transaction processing and accurate financial reporting.

Category: Service provider

Types of Services

  • Banking Services: Covers services such as personal and business accounts, loans, mortgages, and credit card issuance.
  • Investment Services: Include offerings such as wealth management, stock brokerage, and retirement planning.
  • Payment Processing: Encompasses services for processing payments, including online transfers and wire services.
  • ATM and Branch Transactions: Refers to activities involving withdrawals, deposits, and account management at physical locations or ATMs.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 6011: Financial Institutions Manual Cash Disbursements: Focuses on transactions involving cash withdrawals and disbursements at financial institutions.
  • MCC 6012: Financial Institutions Merchandise and Services: Includes transactions for purchasing goods and services from financial institutions beyond typical banking services.
  • MCC 6051: Non-Financial Institutions - Money Orders, Wire Transfers: Covers non-bank entities that offer money order sales and wire transfer services.


  • What does MCC 6028 cover?
    - MCC 6028 is used to categorize transactions conducted by banks, including traditional banks, online banks, and credit unions, mainly focusing on banking services.
  • Is MCC 6028 applicable to investment activities?
    - Primarily, MCC 6028 is designated for banking services, but banks providing investment advisory services may fall under this MCC, depending on their service structure.
  • How does having an accurate MCC affect businesses?
    - Using the correct MCC helps businesses reduce transaction fee disputes, accurately categorize expenses, and comply with financial regulations.

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