
MCC 5192 - Books. Press

mcc 5192

MCC 5192, labeled as "Books. Press," encompasses businesses primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of books, periodicals, newspapers, and related printed materials. This category is integral to the publishing and distribution sectors, serving as a crucial link between publishers and retailers or directly to organizations requiring bulk purchases of educational, informative, or leisure reading materials. Businesses include operations that handle large volumes and often deliver to bookstores, educational institutions, libraries, and corporate environments.

Category: Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers

Types of Services

  • Wholesale Distribution: Distribution services for books and printed materials, focusing on bulk supply to various market segments.
  • Subscription Fulfillment: Managing bulk subscriptions for periodicals and newspapers to organizations and institutions.
  • Specialty Orders: Supplying niche or educational books tailored to specific industry needs or scholastic requirements.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5942: Book Stores: Focuses on retail sales of books directly to consumers rather than wholesale distribution.
  • MCC 2741: Miscellaneous Publishing and Printing: Covers businesses providing printing services rather than the distribution of printed materials.
  • MCC 5964: Catalog Merchant: Involves the sale of printed materials, among other items, via catalog order sales.


  • What types of businesses use MCC 5192?
    - Businesses involved in the wholesale distribution of books and printed materials, such as book wholesalers and magazine distribution companies, categorize under MCC 5192.
  • How does MCC 5192 differ from MCC 5942?
    - While MCC 5192 is for wholesalers of books and press items, MCC 5942 represents retail bookstores selling directly to end consumers.
  • Is MCC 5192 applicable to eBooks?
    - No, MCC 5192 specifically refers to physical printed materials. Digital media might fall under different codes, such as those for online services or digital subscriptions.

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