
MCC 7379 - Computer Repair

mcc 7379

MCC 7379, known as "Computer Repair," is designated for businesses that primarily engage in the repair and maintenance of computers and related equipment. This category is essential for individuals and organizations that require technical support to ensure their computing devices are running efficiently. The types of businesses falling under this MCC include independent computer repair shops, on-site service providers, and technicians specializing in software and hardware troubleshooting.

Category: Business Services

Types of Services

  • Hardware Repair: Includes services such as fixing faulty hard drives, replacing monitors, and resolving motherboard issues.
  • Software Troubleshooting: Encompasses virus removal, system restoration, and operating system reinstallation.
  • Network Configuration: Services related to setting up or fixing network connectivity issues, including local area networks (LAN) or Wi-Fi configurations.
  • Data Recovery: Involves retrieving lost or corrupt data from damaged storage devices.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5734: Computer Software Stores: Covers businesses primarily engaged in selling computer software, differing from repair and service-based MCC 7379.
  • MCC 4816: Computer Network/Information Services: Related to businesses providing internet access, rather than repairing computer hardware or software.
  • MCC 7372: Computer Programming, Data Processing, and Integrated Systems Design Services: Involves businesses focusing on software development and IT consulting, compared to troubleshooting and repair services.


  • What is the primary purpose of MCC 7379?
    - The primary purpose is to categorize businesses engaged in the repair and servicing of computer hardware and software.
  • Does this MCC include software sales?
    - No, it is specifically tailored towards repair and maintenance services, not sales or distribution of software.
  • Can larger enterprise IT service providers use MCC 7379?
    - Yes, provided a significant portion of their business deals with repair and maintenance services.

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