
MCC 8244 - Education. Business

mcc 8244

MCC 8244 is designated for businesses primarily involved in providing business and secretarial courses. These educational institutions focus on teaching skills relevant to the business world, including management, administration, and related technical skills. The primary purpose of this MCC is to categorize businesses that offer educational services aimed at enhancing professional capabilities and career advancement.

Category: Professional services

Types of Services

  • Business Schools: Institutions offering courses in business management, finance, marketing, and related fields.
  • Secretarial and Administrative Schools: Provide training in secretarial practices, office management, and related tasks.
  • Technical and Vocational Education: Specialized in short-term certificates focusing on specific business skills like bookkeeping, accounting, and project management.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 8299: Schools and Educational Services: Covers a broader range of educational services beyond business, including K-12, higher education, and general tutoring.
  • MCC 8220: Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools: Pertains specifically to degree-granting higher education institutions.


  • What types of payments are processed under MCC 8244?
    - Typically, payments for tuition, course fees, and other educational services related to business training.
  • Can online courses fall under MCC 8244?
    - Yes, if they are offered by institutions focusing on business and secretarial education.
  • How is MCC 8244 different from general education MCCs?
    - MCC 8244 is specific to business and secretarial training, whereas general education MCCs can encompass a wider variety of subjects.
This structured format provides a comprehensive understanding of MCC 8244 for industries and individuals interested in educational business services.

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