United Kingdom

MCC 2791 - Typesetting, Plate Making

mcc 2791

MCC 2791 is designated for businesses involved in typesetting and plate making services, which are integral to the printing and publishing industries. These businesses specialize in the preparation of text and image compositions for print, ensuring that materials are ready for digital or physical publication. This category includes companies that offer services such as creating printing plates, layout design, and digital typesetting.

Category: Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers

Types of Services

  • Printing and Publishing: Utilized extensively by publishing houses, book printers, and newspaper publishers who require precision in text layout and image positioning.
  • Commercial Printing: Important for enterprises involved in advertising, marketing materials, and packaging, which demand high-quality print layouts.
  • Graphic Design Services: Encompasses services offering customized graphic design and layout specific to client requirements before final print stages.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 2741: Miscellaneous Publishing and Printing: Covers other publishing and printing activities not exclusively related to typesetting or plate making.
  • MCC 7333: Commercial Photography, Art, and Graphics: Includes broader art services and digital graphics beyond the scope of print-specific typesetting or plate making.


  • What types of businesses typically use MCC 2791?
    - Businesses such as prepress service providers, graphic design studios focused on print, and plate making companies are commonly associated with this MCC.
  • How does MCC 2791 differ from MCC 2741?
    - MCC 2791 is specific to the prepress process, particularly typesetting and plate making, while MCC 2741 covers a broader array of publishing and printing services.
  • Is digital typesetting included in MCC 2791?
    - Yes, digital typesetting, an essential part of preparing materials for both digital and print publication, falls under this category.

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