MCC 5949 - Sewing supplies

Merchant Category Code (MCC) 5949 is designated for businesses that primarily engage in the sale of sewing and needlework supplies. This MCC covers a variety of retail outlets that supply materials necessary for sewing, knitting, and other related crafts. Typically, these businesses offer items such as fabrics, threads, patterns, sewing machines, and crafting tools that cater to hobbyists, professional seamstresses, and tailoring businesses alike.
Types of Services
- Retail Craft Stores: Shops that stock and sell a range of sewing supplies to consumers.
- Specialty Fabric Retailers: Outlets that focus on a wide array of fabrics, suitable for different sewing projects and needs.
- Sewing Machine Dealers: Stores that specialize in selling or repairing sewing machines and accessories.
- Knitting and Needlework Shops: Businesses that provide yarn, knitting needles, patterns, and related supplies.
Related MCCs
- MCC 5970: Artist Supply Stores: Focus on art supplies rather than sewing, including paints, brushes, and easels.
- MCC 5943: Stationery, Office Supplies, Printing and Writing Paper: Involves retailers that supply paper products and office equipment, differing from fabric and sewing materials.
- MCC 5931: Used Merchandise and Second-hand Stores: Includes stores that might sell second-hand sewing machines or used fabrics, but also carry other non-sewing-related items.
- What does MCC 5949 cover?
- MCC 5949 focuses on businesses selling sewing and needlework supplies, including fabrics, threads, and sewing machines. - Can businesses that offer sewing classes fall under MCC 5949?
- Typically, this MCC is used for retail sales of materials. Businesses that primarily offer classes might be categorized differently, depending on additional services provided. - How has the rise of digital and online shopping affected MCC 5949?
- Many sewing supply businesses have expanded to include e-commerce options, but the core MCC remains focused on their primary product offerings. - Are quilting shops included in MCC 5949?
- Yes, quilting shops that sell fabric and quilting supplies typically fall under this category.
MCC Categories
Agricultural Services Airlines Business Services Car rent Cars and vehicles Clothing stores Contract services Entertainment services Government Services Hotels / Resorts Mail / Telephone Sales Membership оrganizations Miscellaneous Stores Not categorized Personal services Professional services Repair services Retail Outlet Services Service provider Transportation Services Utility Services Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers