United Kingdom

MCC 5961 - Goods by mail

mcc 5961

MCC 5961, commonly known as "Goods by mail," refers to businesses that sell products via mail order. This MCC is primarily used for companies engaged in catalog or direct mail sales, emphasizing the convenience of shopping from home. These businesses typically reach their customers through printed catalogs or digital platforms, streamlining the purchasing process without the need for physical storefronts.

Category: Mail / Telephone Sales

Types of Services

  • Retail Catalog Sales: Companies offering a broad range of products like clothing, electronics, or household goods through printed or online catalogs.
  • Subscription Services: Businesses providing products on a subscription basis, such as book clubs or curated goodie boxes sent through the mail.
  • Direct Mail Marketing: Entities that utilize direct mail for marketing and selling products directly to consumers.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5962: Direct Marketing – Travel-Related Arrangements Services: Covers businesses offering travel services through direct marketing but does not deal with physical goods.
  • MCC 5964: Direct Marketing – Catalog Merchants: Similar to 5961 but more specifically focuses on businesses that primarily operate through catalog marketing.
  • MCC 5965: Direct Marketing – Combination Catalog and Retail Merchant: For companies that sell through both catalogs and physical retail stores.


  • What is the primary purpose of MCC 5961?
    - This MCC categorizes businesses that primarily sell goods through mail order, highlighting catalog sales without a physical presence.
  • Is this MCC applicable to online-only businesses?
    - While similar, online-only businesses might be categorized differently, unless they also operate through mailed catalogs.
  • Can a business be classified under multiple MCCs?
    - Yes, if they operate in various sectors or sales channels, businesses can fall under multiple MCCs reflecting their diverse operations.

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