United Kingdom

MCC 6381 - Insurance

Merchant Category Code (MCC) 6381 is designated for businesses in the insurance industry. This MCC is primarily used by companies offering various insurance services and is crucial for processing transactions related to insurance underwriting, sales, and management. Businesses under this category typically include firms that provide life, health, property, and casualty insurance, as well as insurance agencies and brokers.

Category: Service provider

Types of Services

  • Life Insurance: Coverage providing a benefit to beneficiaries upon the policyholder's death.
  • Health Insurance: Plans offering coverage for medical expenses incurred by the insured.
  • Property and Casualty Insurance: Protection against loss or damage to property and protection against liabilities.
  • Automobile Insurance: Coverage for cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other road vehicles.
  • Insurance Underwriting: Evaluating the risk and exposure of potential clients.
  • Insurance Brokers and Agencies: Businesses that act as intermediaries between clients and insurance companies.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 6300: Insurance Subscriptions: Used for recurring insurance premium payments.
  • MCC 6399: Insurance, Not Elsewhere Classified: Includes miscellaneous insurance services not specifically categorized under other MCCs.


  • Why is MCC 6381 important for insurance companies?
    - It is essential for correctly categorizing transactions, which can impact fee structures and compliance with financial regulations.
  • Can MCC 6381 be used internationally?
    - Yes, this MCC is used globally to identify transactions related to insurance services, but its exact application can vary by region.
  • How does MCC 6381 affect tax reporting?
    - While MCCs themselves do not directly impact taxes, they assist in categorizing business expenses, which can streamline tax reporting processes.

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