United Kingdom

MCC 6531 - Money transfer

MCC 6531, known as "Money transfer," is primarily designated for businesses that facilitate the transfer of funds electronically. This MCC is significant in the financial services sector, catering to a wide range of businesses engaged in money remittance and transfer services, such as money order issuers and remittance service providers. It helps streamline payments, offering consumers convenient ways to send money domestically and internationally.

Category: Service provider

Types of Services

  • Remittance Services: Used widely by companies facilitating the transfer of money across borders to support personal remittances.
  • Money Orders: Engaging businesses providing money orders as a form of payment, allowing secure fund transfers without the need for a bank account.
  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT): Firms offering EFT services that allow immediate transfer of money through digital means.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 4829: Money Transfer, Member Financial Institution: Pertains to financial institutions, such as banks, engaged in processing money transfers.
  • MCC 6010: Member Financial Institution - Manual Cash Disbursements: Involves the manual handling of cash disbursements by financial institutions.
  • MCC 6051: Non-FI Money Orders: Specifically for non-financial institutions providing money order services.


  • What businesses typically use MCC 6531?
    - Businesses involved in the facilitation of money transfers, such as remittance service providers, utilize this code.
  • How are money transfer transactions classified?
    - They are classified under MCC 6531 when the primary service involves facilitating the electronic movement of money.
  • Does MCC 6531 include traditional banking services?
    - No, it primarily covers non-banking money transfer services.

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