United Kingdom

MCC 7297 - Massage

mcc 7297

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 7297 is designated for businesses primarily engaged in providing massage services. This category includes a wide range of establishments offering therapeutic and relaxation massages, catering to clients seeking wellness, stress relief, or pain management. Such businesses may operate standalone spas, in fitness centers, or as part of wellness and holistic health clinics.

Category: Personal services

Types of Services

  • Spa Services: Establishments focusing on relaxation therapies, including Swedish, deep tissue, and hot stone massages.
  • Therapeutic Massage Centers: Locations offering massages aimed at relieving pain and promoting recovery, often working alongside chiropractors or physical therapists.
  • Mobile Massage Services: Providers offering in-home or on-location therapeutic and relaxation massages.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 7298: Health and Beauty Spas: This category includes broader spa services such as beauty treatments, but also encompasses certain massage services.
  • MCC 8049: Chiropodists, Podiatrists: While focusing on foot care, these establishments often collaborate with massage therapists in treatment plans for patients.


  • What types of businesses fall under MCC 7297?
    - Businesses primarily offering massage services, such as day spas or therapeutic massage clinics, are typically classified under this MCC.
  • Do mobile massage services use MCC 7297?
    - Yes, mobile providers who perform massage services may also fall under this code, providing they primarily offer massage services.
  • Is MCC 7297 applicable to beauty salons?
    - If the primary service offered is massage, it may be applicable; however, salons focusing mostly on hair and beauty services fall under different MCCs.

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