United Kingdom

MCC 8043 - Optics

mcc 8043

MCC 8043 is designated for the Optics category. This code is utilized by businesses primarily involved in providing optometric services and selling optical goods, such as glasses and contact lenses. These businesses include optometrists' offices, optical retail stores, and similar establishments focused on eye care and eyewear products.

Category: Professional services

Types of Services

  • Optometric Services: Includes eye examinations, vision tests, and other eyesight-related health services conducted by optometrists.
  • Prescription Eyewear: Retail and fitting services for prescription glasses, sunglasses, and contact lenses.
  • Eyewear Maintenance: Services such as repairs and adjustments to eyewear.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 8042: Optometrists: Specifically for professionals providing eye examinations and more clinical services, emphasizing on the practitioners rather than sales of products.
  • MCC 5995: Hearing Aids – Sales and Supplies: Related to sensory aids but focuses on auditory products rather than visual aids.


  • What types of payments are typically processed under MCC 8043?
    - Payments for eye examinations, purchase of optical products like glasses and contact lenses, and services related to eyewear maintenance.
  • Are ophthalmologists included under MCC 8043?
    - No, ophthalmologists generally fall under different medical MCCs, as they provide comprehensive eye care, including surgical procedures.
  • Does MCC 8043 cover non-prescription sunglasses sales?
    - Yes, retail sales of non-prescription sunglasses or reading glasses in optical stores are covered by this MCC.

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