
MCC 5122 - Drugs

mcc 5122

MCC 5122, designated as "Drugs," is primarily used for businesses involved in wholesaling prescription and non-prescription drugs. This category generally encompasses companies in the pharmaceutical distribution sector that supply drugs to pharmacies, hospitals, and health facilities. Businesses categorized under this MCC are key players in ensuring the availability and distribution of medications to healthcare providers and consumers.

Category: Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers

Types of Services

  • Pharmaceutical Distribution: This includes the wholesale distribution of medicinal products to retail pharmacies and direct-to-consumer markets.
  • Healthcare Supplies: Distribution of associated healthcare supplies, such as medical equipment and paraphernalia, is often linked with this MCC.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5912: Drug Stores and Pharmacies: This code applies to retail pharmacies that sell medications directly to consumers.
  • MCC 5047: Medical, Dental, Ophthalmic, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies: Covers the wholesale distribution of non-drug medical equipment and supplies, complementing drug distribution services.


  • What is the main focus of MCC 5122?
    - The primary focus is on the wholesale distribution of pharmaceutical products.
  • Are pharmacies included under MCC 5122?
    - No, retail pharmacies are generally classified under MCC 5912.
  • Can a single company have multiple MCCs, including 5122?
    - Yes, businesses that operate in multiple areas might be assigned various MCCs to reflect their diverse services.

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