
MCC 5631 - Clothing stores

mcc 5631

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 5631 is designated for "Clothing Stores." This code primarily covers businesses engaged in the retail sale of clothing and related apparel. Clothing stores under this MCC range from boutiques selling high-end fashion to large department stores offering a wide variety of clothing options for men, women, and children. The essential purpose of this MCC is to categorize and streamline transactions associated with apparel retail businesses.

Category: Clothing stores

Types of Services

  • Retail Sales: Transactions include the sale of various apparel items such as shirts, pants, dresses, suits, jackets, and coats.
  • Fashion Accessories: Additionally, stores might sell accessories like hats, scarves, gloves, and belts.
  • Footwear: Some clothing stores may also sell shoes, aligning with apparel offerings.
  • Online Retail: Many clothing stores provide e-commerce platforms for online shopping, extending their reach beyond physical store locations.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5691: Men's and Women's Clothing Stores: More specifically focuses on stores selling apparel for both genders.
  • MCC 5611: Men's and Boys' Clothing Stores: This code differentiates companies specializing in clothing for males.
  • MCC 5621: Women's Ready-to-Wear Stores: Covers businesses that specialize strictly in women's apparel.
  • MCC 5641: Children's and Infants' Wear Stores: Focuses on retailers selling clothing exclusively for babies and children.


  • What types of payments are classified under MCC 5631?
    - This code is used for credit card payments made at clothing retailers for the purchase of apparel and related accessories.
  • Can online clothing stores use MCC 5631?
    - Yes, MCC 5631 applies to both physical and online clothing stores, provided their main focus is selling apparel.
  • How do I know if my business falls under MCC 5631?
    - If your primary business function is selling clothing to consumers, you likely fall under this category. Consult with your payment processor for confirmation.
  • Are shoe stores included in MCC 5631?
    - While shoe sales can occur in clothing stores, standalone shoe stores may fall under a different MCC, such as 5661 (Shoe Stores).

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