United Kingdom

MCC 5094 - Jewelry

mcc 5094

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 5094 is designated for businesses involved with jewelry, including the sale and distribution of fine and fashion jewelry. This MCC is applied to entities that deal with precious metals, gemstones, and both luxury and everyday jewelry items. Establishments that fall under this category include jewelry retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers focused on providing accessories that range from engagement rings to costume jewelry.

Category: Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers

Types of Services

  • Retail Jewelry Stores: Establishments that sell a variety of jewelry items directly to consumers, including necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings.
  • Wholesale Jewelry Distributors: Companies that supply jewelry products to retailers or other commercial buyers in bulk.
  • Jewelry Repair and Customization Services: Businesses that offer repair services and customization for existing jewelry pieces.
  • Online Jewelry Retailers: E-commerce platforms specializing in the sale of jewelry ranging from budget to luxury pieces.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5944: Jewelry Stores: Focuses explicitly on retail establishments selling jewelry.
  • MCC 5948: Luggage and Leather Goods Stores: Although not jewelry, these businesses may complement jewelry stores by offering products made from precious materials like leather.
  • MCC 5099: Durable Goods - Not Elsewhere Classified: Encompasses other durable goods businesses, some of which may offer limited jewelry items.


  • What types of transactions are generally processed under MCC 5094?
    - Transactions typically include the sale of jewelry items, repairs or customization services, and wholesale distribution to retailers.
  • Can online jewelry stores use MCC 5094?
    - Yes, online jewelry retailers can use this MCC as it covers both physical and online sales of jewelry.
  • Is this MCC applicable for non-traditional jewelry materials?
    - Yes, this MCC can cover both precious and non-precious jewelry, including fashion and costume pieces.

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