United Kingdom

MCC 5111 - Chancery

mcc 5111

MCC 5111, labeled as "Chancery," is primarily associated with businesses engaged in the wholesale distribution of stationery, office supplies, and paper products. This category encompasses a range of entities that provide essential products for businesses and educational institutions, facilitating day-to-day operations and administrative tasks.

Category: Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers

Types of Services

  • Wholesale Office Supplies: This MCC is heavily used in the wholesale distribution of office supplies, including paper, pens, envelopes, and other stationery products.
  • Paper Product Distribution: Companies that distribute bulk paper products, such as notebooks, writing pads, and printing paper, fall under this code.
  • Stationery Supplies: Wholesalers offering custom stationery and personalized office supplies also qualify under this MCC.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5943: Stationery Stores, Office, and School Supply Stores: This code covers retail stationery and supply stores, differing from MCC 5111, which focuses on wholesale distributors.


  • What businesses qualify under MCC 5111?
    - Wholesale distributors of office supplies and paper products are typically classified under this code.
  • Is MCC 5111 applicable to retail stores?
    - No, MCC 5111 is designated for wholesale distributors rather than retail operations, which are covered under different MCCs, such as MCC 5943.
  • Can an online supplier use this MCC?
    - Yes, if the online supplier primarily engages in wholesale distribution of stationery and office supplies.

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