United Kingdom

MCC 7692 - Welding works

mcc 7692

Merchant Category Code 7692 is designated for businesses engaged in welding works. This MCC primarily encompasses establishments that provide welding services, which include repair, fabrication, and metal joining tasks. These businesses are critical to a variety of industries requiring durable and precision metal work, offering services to sectors such as construction, automotive, manufacturing, and shipbuilding.

Category: Repair services

Types of Services

  • Construction Industry: Welding services for building infrastructure, bridges, and pipelines.
  • Automotive Sector: Repairs and custom metalwork for vehicles, including car frames and parts.
  • Manufacturing: Fabrication and assembly of machinery and equipment parts.
  • Shipbuilding and Maritime: Maintenance and hull construction for ships and boats.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 1799: Special Trade Contractors: Broader category for contractors that may include specialties beyond welding alone.
  • MCC 3523: Farm Machinery and Equipment: For businesses engaged specifically in creating or repairing industrial machinery, not limited to welding.


  • What businesses are typically assigned MCC 7692?
    - Businesses that primarily offer welding services across various sectors including automotive, construction, and manufacturing.
  • How does MCC 7692 differ from other construction or repair MCCs?
    - MCC 7692 specifically focuses on welding services, whereas other MCCs might cover broader or different types of constructions and repairs.
  • Can a welding business operate under a different MCC?
    - Yes, if their services significantly overlap with another specialized category, they may fall under a different MCC.

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