United Kingdom

MCC 7832 - Cinemas

mcc 7832

MCC 7832, designated for "Cinemas," encompasses businesses primarily engaged in the exhibition of motion pictures. This category includes venues commonly known as cinemas or movie theaters, where films are shown to the public. The purpose of this MCC is to classify and facilitate payment transactions related to the entertainment industry, specifically for film viewing experiences.

Category: Entertainment services

Types of Services

  • Cinematic Exhibitions: This MCC is predominantly used for establishments that sell tickets for viewing films on large screens.
  • Concessions and Amenities: While the primary service is movie screening, cinemas often also involve transactions related to concession sales (popcorn, snacks, beverages) and other amenities offered on-site.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 7922: Theatrical Producers (except Motion Picture) and Ticket Agencies: This category differs by covering live theater productions and ticket sales for events, excluding motion picture cinemas.
  • MCC 7929: Bands, Orchestras, Other Entertainers: Encompasses live performance entertainers, distinct from cinemas as it focuses on live event entertainment rather than film screenings.


  • What kinds of transactions are typically processed under MCC 7832?
    - Transactions primarily include sales of movie tickets and concession products at theaters.
  • Are drive-in theaters also classified under MCC 7832?
    - Yes, drive-in theaters, as facilities where films are shown, are included under this MCC.
  • How does MCC 7832 benefit credit card companies?
    - It helps categorize and analyze spending patterns related to entertainment, allowing for tailored rewards or offers.

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