United Kingdom

MCC 7999 - Entertainment and sport

mcc 7999

MCC 7999 is designated for businesses involved in entertainment and sports. This category captures a broad array of services that deliver recreational amusement or athletic activities to the public. Businesses classified under this code provide consumers with venues or experiences to engage in entertainment or sports-related activities, ranging from live performances to fitness centers.

Category: Entertainment services

Types of Services

  • Amusement Parks and Attractions: Includes theme parks, water parks, and attractions offering rides and shows.
  • Sports and Recreational Facilities: Encompasses health clubs, gyms, golf courses, and bowling alleys.
  • Cultural and Artistic Events: Covers concert halls, theaters, museums, and art galleries hosting performances and exhibitions.
  • Rental Services: Pertains to rental of sports equipment or recreational facilities.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 7832: Motion Picture Theaters: Specifically for businesses operating movie theaters, differing from live entertainment venues under MCC 7999.
  • MCC 7941: Professional Sports Clubs and Promoters: Focuses on entities organizing professional sports events, as opposed to recreational clubs covered under MCC 7999.
  • MCC 5813: Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages): Includes bars and lounges not within the entertainment or sports venue context of MCC 7999.


  • What types of businesses are included under MCC 7999?
    - It includes businesses offering entertainment and sports activities such as amusement parks, theaters, sports facilities, and cultural venues.
  • Is a dance club classified under MCC 7999?
    - Yes, dance clubs providing live entertainment or DJ services can fall under MCC 7999.
  • How does MCC 7999 differ from sports clubs coded under MCC 7941?
    - MCC 7999 includes facilities for recreational sports activities, whereas MCC 7941 is reserved for professional sports teams and event organizers.

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