United Kingdom

MCC 8398 - Charity

mcc 8398

MCC Code 8398, known as "Charity," is designated for nonprofit organizations that engage in charitable activities. This category is aimed at capturing the operations of organizations that provide support and services to various causes ranging from humanitarian aid, environmental protection, educational initiatives, to public health efforts. Businesses under this MCC typically focus on nonprofit fundraising and collecting donations to drive their philanthropic missions.

Category: Membership оrganizations

Types of Services

  • Humanitarian Aid: Organizations focused on providing relief and support to vulnerable communities affected by poverty, disasters, or conflicts.
  • Educational Initiatives: Nonprofits that offer scholarships, educational programs, and resources to enhance learning opportunities for various demographics.
  • Health and Research: Activities include funding health services, conducting medical research, and supporting healthcare access in underserved areas.
  • Environmental Conservation: Efforts aimed at protecting wildlife, preserving natural habitats, and promoting sustainable practices.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 8675: Automotive Associations: Specifically relates to nonprofit organizations involved in promoting automotive-related activities and services.
  • MCC 8699: Membership Organizations – Not Elsewhere Classified: Covers various nonprofit membership organizations, including cultural, civic, and social associations.


  • What constitutes charity under MCC 8398?
    - It includes organizations engaging in philanthropic activities without the intent of profit, often focusing on aid, education, conservation, or health.
  • Is MCC 8398 applicable internationally?
    - Yes, this MCC can apply to charities operating both domestically and internationally, as long as they fit within the nonprofit framework.
  • Can a business switch to MCC 8398?
    - Typically, a business needs to be registered as a nonprofit entity to qualify under this MCC, requiring formal recognition of its charitable status.

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