MCC 8664 - Miscellaneous

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 8664 is categorized as "Miscellaneous" and is primarily used for nonprofit organizations. This MCC is designed to accommodate a wide range of nonprofit entities, including charities, foundations, and educational institutions, allowing them to process credit card payments with ease while reflecting their unique operational needs.
Types of Services
- Charitable Organizations: Includes nonprofit entities focused on providing aid and support to various causes, such as health, education, or the arts.
- Foundations: Encompasses organizations that manage funds to support charitable activities or provide grants.
- Educational Groups: Covers nonprofit institutions that provide educational services or funding, such as scholarships or educational materials.
- Social Advocacy Groups: Pertains to nonprofits involved in societal improvement, public policy advocacy, or similar movements.
Related MCCs
- MCC 8398: Charitable and Social Service Organizations – Fundraising: Specifically for charitable organizations engaged in fundraising activities.
- MCC 8699: Membership Organizations not Elsewhere Classified: For miscellaneous membership organizations not classified under other specific MCCs.
- MCC 8211: Elementary and Secondary Schools: Covers educational institutions providing primary and secondary education services.
- What types of transactions are processed under MCC 8664?
- This MCC is used for transactions related to donations, membership fees, and any other payments made to nonprofit organizations. - Who can use MCC 8664?
- Primarily nonprofit organizations, including charities, foundations, and educational institutions, can use this MCC. - How does MCC 8664 benefit nonprofits?
- It allows nonprofit organizations to categorize their credit card transactions, potentially reducing processing fees and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations. - Is MCC 8664 applicable for for-profit entities?
- No, it is specifically tailored for nonprofit organizations and is not suitable for for-profit businesses.
MCC Categories
Agricultural Services Airlines Business Services Car rent Cars and vehicles Clothing stores Contract services Entertainment services Government Services Hotels / Resorts Mail / Telephone Sales Membership оrganizations Miscellaneous Stores Not categorized Personal services Professional services Repair services Retail Outlet Services Service provider Transportation Services Utility Services Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers